What languages are exams offered in?
All written and lab exams are only offered in English. This is includes all written and lab exams in all certification programs. For more information about exams, please visit the following webpages:
- SRC: https://www.nokia.com/networks/training/src/exams/
- CPC: https://www.nokia.com/networks/training/cpc/exams/
- ONC: https://www.nokia.com/networks/training/onc/exams/
- NN-VCP: https://www.nuagenetworks.net/learning/exams/
Does the composite exam fulfil the NRS II Lab Exam written exam requirements?
The composite exam has been updated to fulfil the NRS II Certification Requirements. There are now 2 options depending if you choose the IS-IS or OSPF Routing Protocol:
- IS-IS: https://www.nokia.com/networks/training/src/exams/nrsii-composite-C03/
- OSPF: https://www.nokia.com/networks/training/src/exams/nrsii-composite-C04/
You can use either MD-CLI or classic CLI to complete the tasks and use “//” to switch between these two CLI modes.
How many times can I take a lab exam?
There is no limit to the number of times you can attempt to re-take an exam. This includes lab exams in all of our certification programs (SRC, ONC, CPC, and NN-VCP).
There is a mandatory waiting period of 1 month before you are eligible to re-take a lab exam.
Is the Nokia Multicast Protocols part of the SRA Lab Exam?
The Nokia Multicast Protocols is an elective course, it is not part of the SRA Lab exam.
When should I expect my lab exam results back from Nokia?
The lab exam results are communicated to candidates within 30 business days. Please refer to your letter of confirmation where it states:
"Communication of Exam Results : The exam content will be graded by Nokia, and results will be forwarded to you via email within thirty (30) business days following completion of the examination."
You will receive an email from Learning Services as soon as your lab exam results are processed.